أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
I seek Allah’s protection/refuge/shelter from Shaitaan, the Accursed one.
 بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Meaning :
Al-Anbiya means " The Prophets".
This Surah tells us about 16 Prophets. 
Introduction :
  • This is the 21st Surah of Quran.
  • This is "Meccan" Surah.
  • This Surah has 112 Verses.
  • This Surah has 7 Ruku.

Topics :
This Surah has mentioned some important events of the following Prophets :

  • Hazrat Mussa (as).
  • Hazrat Haroon (as).
  • Hazrat Ibrahin (as).
  • Hazrat Lutt (as)
  • Hazrat Ishaaq (as).
  • Hazrat Yaqoob (as).
  • Hazrat Nuhh (as)
  • Hazrat Daood, (as)
  • Hazrat Suleman (as)
  • Hazrat Ayub (as)
  • Hazrat Idris (as)
    Hazrat Zul-Kifl (as)
  • HazratYunus (as)
  • Hazrat Zakariyah (as)
  • HazratYahya (as).
  • The objections of the disbelievers about Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has been refuted.
  • Their conception about life has been proved false and the Day of Judgement must come for reward or punishment.
  • The Doctrine of "Shirk" has been refuted and the Doctrine of "Tauhid" reinforced.
  • Every soul will taste death.
  • There is no deity but Allah, so worship Allah alone.
  • Allah save those who follow the right way.
  • Allah has sent His Messengers for people's guidance and favour.

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