I seek Allah’s protection/refuge/shelter from Shaitaan, the Accursed one.
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Meaning :
Al- Nahl means "The Bees" ( Honey Bees).
It is based after the bee mentioned in Verse : 68 -69.
"And your Lord taught the honey bee to build its cells in hills, on trees, and in (men's) habitations; Then to eat of all the produce (of the earth), and find with skill the spacious paths of its Lord: there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for men: verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought."
Introduction :
The bee is one of many examples mentioned in this chapter of God's grace towards His creation.One of the name of this Surah is "the Surah of Blessings" for there are the names of over 50 blessings mentioned in it.
- This is the 16th Surah of Quran.
- This is :Makki" Surah.
- This Surah has 128 Verses.
- This Surah has 16 Ruku.
Topics :
- Proofs of "Tawheed" and refutation of "Shirk"
- Answers to the objections of the disbelievers.
- Punishment for disbelievers who have arrogant hearts and have no faith in Hereafter.
- Allah's promise is true. The good are rewarded.
- Allah's promise to provide a good abode for those who migrate for His sake.
- As water gives life to dead land so The Qur'an does to the human soul.
- Allah has provided signs in the lives of the bees, birds and animals.
- According to this sura, all wonders of the natural world, like seas, stars, mountains are proofs of God's infinite power (16:14)
- The verse 66 talks about the miracle in milk formation in cattle: "From what is within their bodies, between excretions and blood, We produce for your drink, milk, pure and agreeable to those who drink it."
- The verse 67 talks about miracle of vine: "And from the fruit of the date-palm and the vine, ye get out strong drink and wholesome food: behold, in this also is a sign for those who are wise".
- Allah commands to do justice, be good to others, and give to near relatives; and He forbids indecency, wickedness, and rebellion.
- Seek Allah's protection against Shaitan before starting to recite The Qur'an.
- Halal (lawful) and Haram (unlawful) are only from Allah.
- Ibrahim was a nation in himself.
- Call towards the Way of Allah with wisdom; advise and reason in a courteous manner.
- The Holy Prophet and his companions have been comforted and told about the attitude they should adopt in the face of antagonism and persecution by the disbelievers.