أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
I seek Allah’s protection/refuge/shelter from Shaitaan, the Accursed one.
 بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Meaning :

Al- Hajj means "The Pilgrimage".
This Surah takes its name from Verse : 27.
Some Verses of this Surah are about Hajj Pilgrimage that is why it is called Surah Al- Hajj.
Introduction :

  • This is the 22nd Surah of Quran.
  • This Surah contains the both characteristics of "Makki" and "Madni" Surahs.
  • This Surah has 78 Verses.
  • This Surah has 10 Ruku.
Sajdah :
This Surah has 02 Ayate-e-Sajdah. (Verse 18 and 77)
Topics and Theme :

  • The view of the Hour of Doom.
  • About human life cycle.
  • Resurrection and its logical reasoning.
  • Warnings for those who are ignorant about Hereafter.
  • Allah always helps His Prophets. 
  • Divine law granting equal rights to all believers in Masjid-al-Haram, whether they are natives or foreigners. 
  • The fact that Allah Himself identified the site and asked Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) to build the Ka'bah and call mankind to come for Hajj (Pilgrimage). 
  • Someone who commits Shirk is like someone who falls from the sky and his body is snatched away by birds. 
  • The fact that it is not the blood or the flesh of a sacrificed animal which reaches Allah but the piety of the individual who is offering the sacrifice.

  • The first Commandment of Allah granting permission to the believers to defend themselves and fight against the unbelievers and mushrikin. 
  • On the Day of Judgement, Allah Himself will be the Judge for all. 
  • It invites people to verify the instructive fate of those who passed away, and the painful Divine punishments which were sent down upon them. 
  • Hajj Pilgrimage and its historical background.

  • Struggles which were performed aginst the hostile invaders.
  • Allah promise to those who migrate for Allah's sake that He will reward them generously. 
  • Some part of this Surah contains some advices upon different fields of life, and some encouragement to prayer, trust, and considering Allah.

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