I seek Allah’s protection/refuge/shelter from Shaitaan, the Accursed one.
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Meaning :
This is the only Surah which has been entitled by entitled by the name of a woman in the Quran, is the very Surah, Surah Maryam.
Allah has mentioned no women in the Quran directly by her proper except virtuous Maryam (as). And the name occurs 34 times in the Quran.
It takes is name from Verse: 16.
Hazrat Ja'afar recited Verses: 1-40 of this Surah in the court of Negus when he called the Migrants to his court. At first, eleven men and four women left for Habash.
Introduction :
- This is the 19th Surah of Quran.
- This Surah is "Makki".
- This Surah was revealed before the Migration to Habash.
- This Surah has 98 Verses.
- Matters concerning the Hereafter.
- The end of the wrongdoers/evil doers.
- The reward of the believers or good doers.
- Revealed the lives of Prophets :
- Hazrat Zakariyyah (as)
- Hazrat Maryam (as)
- Hazrat Essa (as)
- Hazrat Ibrahim (as)
- Hazrat Ismail (as)
- Hazrat Yahya (as)
- Hazrat Idrees (as)
- Only Allah has power to change the universal law of procreation.
- One's faith and certainity of the Supermacy and Lordship of Allah.