I seek Allah’s protection/refuge/shelter from Shaitaan, the Accursed one.
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
This Surah is a beautiful and instructive biography of "Hazrat Yusuf (as)".
Prophet Yusuf (as)'s name has been mentioned 25 times in this Surah while the other two Surahs also mentioned his name : Surah Ghafir, Ayat: 34 and Surah Al-Anam, Ayat 84.
His life as dicussed in this Surah, has divided into three sections:
- Prophet Yusuf (as)'s childhood.
- Prophet Yusuf (as)'s youth.
- Prophet Yusuf (as)'s as a king/ruler.
- This is the 12th Surah of Quran.
- This is "Makki" Surah.
- This Surah has 111 verses
- This Surah has 12 Ruku.
Theme and Topics:
- Power of Allah, and Allah is the best planner.
- Importance of having faith in Allah.
- Trials, difficulties, happiness and bliss is all part of our life. The Surah describes the phase of life from being tested to being blessed.
- Importance of seeking refuge in Allah (swt) when there is no way out.
- Dynamics of love on the stage of human history, how it conquers jealousy, passion and pride. Surah Yusuf told us about the journey of life from humiliation to grandeur.
- The importance of honesty and integrity. True virtues can bring a human from slavery to kingship.
- Dialectic between the Qalb (the heart), the Nafs (the Self) and Aql (the mind) in the shadows of enticements from Iblis and the ultimate triumph of Divine love.
- Triumph of the Qalb (the heart) over the Nafs (the Self).
- Maintaining one’s akhlaaq even towards those who have wronged you. The Surah teaches us the phase of life from division to unity.
- Allah’s compassion, mercy, forgiveness, guidance and love for humankind. From grief to joy is another phase of life, as faith in Allah is a must.
Surah Yusuf Teaches :
- The sick do recover.
- The missing do return.
- Trails are eased.
- The sad become happy.